Alma Hair Cards

Due to many companies’ requests, we have prepared a version of advanced hair cards. we uploaded our models so other artists also can use them. you can use these models for low-speed systems, games, and animations. these models are quad poly and have 4k textures.
you can easily use, and move the hair into all 3d software. The only thing you need to do is to fit the hair cards.
All hair cards rendered in blender

If you want to download free hair cards : + tutorial

guys, why i can’t upload my images ? i really want to share more but i can’t upload more than 1 image :frowning:


Could these pictures possibly exceed the given MB limit?

The hair looks gorgeous, btw. :smiley:

New users need to spend ten minutes interacting with the forum (reading, liking, etc) to be able to upload multiple attachments.

Nice hair :slight_smile:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!