I have 2 pics here, one looks great and was composited in MOHO, which isn’t a compositing program. The one with the circles is blender, please tell me how I can adjust this.! Thanks for the help Capture%201|647x381](upload://8tyLQEsa0s64XgnZoK5bPt0hx68.jpeg)
Offhand it looks to me like some “post-production” touch-ups were done at the base of the tree e.g. to simulate ground-fog of some kind. The horizon line, while it does coincide with a feature in the first frame, seems a bit too abrupt.
Now, one thing you can always do with Alpha (or with any such image-like thing) is to use a “Curve” node to re-map the values. Although this does affect the entire image uniformly.
Another technique is – well – “air-brushing!” Just like what might have been done here. You add a plane and literally paint it with additional (say) alpha-information. The plane is not considered by the render, but it does provide an input that you can then use in compositing to selectively adjust the image.
And, by the way, in the real world of photography this happens a lot. I chuckle when people trot-out the phrase, “photo-realistic.” … … (“which one? ‘photo,’ or ‘realistic?’”)
Thanks for the response, though, I am using no post production. These are simply the exact overlapping images for each program, the way they are handling the alpha is the only thing different… I have tried a curve, the problem is not addressed by adjusting the alphy as a whole… I have tried mix, alpha over with different settings etc. Simplifying this node tree and removing the unused nodes-makes no effect. 2.79 behaves the same as 2.8. The other pic (the one where the alphas look fine) is MOHO, it is not a compositing program but it seems to do this much better.
the thing at the base of the tree is a apha issue. it is fog, an image sequence of fog that is “highlighted” by the tree. It doesn’t do this in other programs. It simply overlays it.
The fogs are a bit weird, so I’ve put a alpha convert to premultiply them, of course in normal scenarios I shouldn’t , because it’s already premultiplied in the Alpha over, but… sometime it’s right to do wrong…
I don’t get the other issues whenever I put the tree over or under the fog, maybe it’s another issue more related to you comp.
Maybe start over and get a good basis , then start adding effect and see if that break ?
What software does the image are exported from ? Moho ? I think there is something weird by the way it export files, have you tried to comp them in photoshop / gimp ?