Update 1.3.0
There is a new way to optimize your scenes even more: LODs!
Now when trees are generated, they will automatically create two more versions at 1/4 and 1/8 the resolution of the original. These are great for lowering memory usage even further, as, at long distances, you can’t really tell the difference between them.
In heavy scenes, changing all trees to low quality can reduce memory by a few 100MBs which can really help for machines with low RAM and VRAM:
before you can use this, you will need to update the trees in your library, which is pretty easy from the import panel.
Apart from that, I’ve also added a bunch of other stuff:
Instead of just freezing the screen when generating a tree, the addon now provides useful feedback about what stage of the process is being computed.
Fixed a bug with trees not having accurate shadows by default in Eevee
You can now track a tree to the scene camera, which is useful when using multiple cameras. It updates on frame change, so it may not show up instantly in the viewport when changing the active camera (just change the frame to fix this) Thanks @Vesper and some others for suggesting this!
Some more UI improvements
This is a bit of a smaller update because I’m gearing up to tackle the change to geometry nodes, as it seems like 2.93 has really improved them. Geo nodes will be a huge improvement for everything (speed, flexibility, posibilities), and I have a lot of ideas for how to improve things (think wind animation for a start! )