Alt+lmb doesn't work on all edges

Any particular reason alt + lmb doesn’t select the whole edge as it does with the two ones in the middle and on the inside? Are they broken in some way? I’m on a desktop with a three button mouse.

loop select in vanilla blender only works with quads. You have some n-gons with 5 vertices here that break the loop

There are addons that overcome that limitation
Quick search led me to this one
Haven’t tested it though

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So technically… blender just does what it says… selecting the loop… in it’s simplest definition… “across a simple two line crossing”:wink:

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Thanks guys! Gonna try the addon :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forums.

You can Ctrl-click to add to a selection - this is select by shortest path. So Shift select the first edge next to the short selection you have, then off at a distance Ctrl-click to grown the selection. Repeat as needed, both Shift-click to start, and Ctrl-click to grow the selection.

And yes - the way you have modeled this is what I call broken…
Why do you have all those short edges coming down from the top faces? Having matching faces on the top and sides will make extra modeling easier.