"Alt+R" doesn't work

I don’t know what’s going on with Blender, but I can’t seem to get the “Alt+R” shortcut to work whenever I want to reset my poses. “Alt+G” and “Alt+S” work just fine, but not that one for some reason.

Any way to fix it?

Check the shortcuts in User Preferences > Input

If you see more items assigned to Alt R in Pose Mode, delete it.

If pose mode shortcuts were changed, there’s a restore button next to the pose category.

I have the exact same problem except I have the hotkey set correctly and the rest position looks fine but for some reason alt R and alt G dont change a thing. Do you have any ideas as why this is happening?

do yo use nvidea gpu, that thing pops up when you do that?? change it


Thanks, GeForce experience was the culprit in my case. Disabled the ALT+R shortcut and now blender works as expected.

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Thank you for sharing this!

Thanks for the tip! It was driving me crazy and that worked. I use Blender on a different monitor so I didn’t notice the Nvidia menu popping up as I was hitting Alt+R.