Alt+s behaves differently when using face select and edge/vertex selection

Here is a simple cube.

Now if I am going to expand it using alt+s

In face select mode this is what happens.

If I am going to revert it back to its original shape (by pressing ctrl+z).

If I were to change to either edge or vertex select mode, the entire face is still selected but if I were to expand using alt+s, how come it expands differently?

Shouldn’t it expand in the same manner because afaik face select mode is just a quicker way to select all of the 4 edges in edge mode?

No. When you’re in face mode, face normals are used to determine direction, in edge and vertex mode vertex normals are used. Switch to Normal transform orientation, select the face and then each edge, you’ll see why there’s a difference.

Face select mode is not just a quicker way to select 4 edges. Faces are their own mesh element. Blender is a little bit odd in this regard, as it always selects enclosed elements, even if your selection mode currently is set to other elements. But it’s the current selection mode that drives tools to determine which elements to source data from.


How do I do this?

Ok so I think I get what you mean, so by selecting the face, in face select mode, since the face is only pointing up and we are using face normals, so therefore alt+s will just push the face to go up, right?

But if I change to either vertex or edge mode while having the entire face still selected, since the individual vertex is pointing sideways and upwards, therefore when you expand it using alt+s, it will push it sideways and upwards, is that correct?

You can combine that with individual origin or bounding box center transformation to modify this behaviour.

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Oh I see

Is this correct though mate?

yes it is.( the vertex normal is calculated from the sum of the adjacent faces,that’s why they point in diagonal)
you got it. One step more in the 3d concept comprehension.