Alternative to Particle Edit Puff Brush in Curve Sculpt mode for making hair less puffy

In the Particle edit mode, the Puff brush lets you change whether it makes hair more or less puffy with the add/sub buttons

But there is no such option in the Sculpt Mode version of the Puff brush, how can i make the hair less puffy?

Im using blender 4.3.2

Developers focused on other brushes.

Indeed, they did not created an inverted behaviour for this brush.

You can customize Comb and Pinch brushes more.
You can obtain similar results using those brushes with low strength, constant falloff and a big radius.
Pinch brush has Add/Substract buttons. Comb brush will give expected result according to brush stroke direction.
Like old particles system, you can bend, shear hair, in edit mode, through curve transform menu.
Contrary to old particles system, curves object have modifiers able to displace hair.

I do use comb brush for this plenty, but it’s a hassle
If i turn on curve collision, it doesn’t let me comb the hair nearly as close to the mesh surface as i would like to
If i turn off curve collision, i have to either use a small radius, or occasionally fix curves clipping through the surface
I’ll give pinch brush a try later, thanks for the reply