American Countryside Houses

Coming soon, Modular Country Houses with full interiors - modelled with Blender 2.82, the scene is set in ue4.


Wow, stunning work.

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That looks sooo good, congrats

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The American countryside always seemed to me an invasion of green. In your work I get that feeling as nature creeps in on the house but it is odd for me and the feeling cancelled, by the colours. Your greens are desaturated, so obviously it must be by choice? I wonder why

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We wanted to emphasize building geometry rather than the nature around it, therefore we have used ambient occlusion and light differences to create a contrast between nature and the building. This caused desaturation in the green tones of the foliage.

You mention UE4, are you rendering with that or within Blender (Cycles / Eevee)?
Ambient occlusion works well for you, adding contrast and the linearity of the man-made architecture, it is sweet how nature creeps over and adds an extra layer. Obviously sophisticated and skillful work, so what I say below is only for discussion purposes and with all the respect for your work.

I would still try to make the nature more saturated and I do not think that adding AO or even desaturating the architecture needs to effect the nature. What I would try if it were my project, is render out with Cycles selecting RAW for color management (or Filmic / Very High Contrast) to EXR format, to store the light information in high dynamic range. Then I’d take that to a good post processor (I use EasyHDR or NikEfex tools) and bring out that extra color and light information, selectively on House and Nature.

The nice thing about this workflow is that you can rework the color / light information, without the need to re-render.

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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That’s great Bart, thanks!!

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We have used UE4 for real time rendering. Thanks for your attention to details and explaining features depicted in the visuals.

Thanks for the workflow advice, we generally use UE4 for rendering as a result of creating game environments, but we will try it when we decide to render via Blender.

Great work, congrats.

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