Hey folks, I have a question about customizable character.
What I have: Some finished universal character mesh (characters share the same body or bodies with different shape keys, so you can just change them like in RPG character editors). All the corresponding meshes are controlled by the same bones, you just show one suit/body/armor at a time.
What I (really) need: Hairstyles for characters with physics stuff. That means I need bones and WP again.
What’s the matter?
How should I do that? Should I just have all the bones in the same armature? That’s gonna be insane, I think. Now I have around 170 bones for the character without any hair rigged.
Is it ok if I will add all of them to the same armature, assign them to different bone groups in Blender to handle that easier and just disable some of them in the game engine as you do with meshes? I am not really experienced at some serious ones like Unity, UE or others.