I was fooling around with the anaglyph setting but it seems to be off (look at the image)
when i use the 3d glasses it does not look like 3d but if i turn the glasses upside down so the blue is on the left eye it then looks 3d In the image the arrow is pointing to blue color but i believe the blue should be on the left side of the gun. i could be wrong all i know is that it looks better with the glasses upside down
you should alterate the focalview and eyesep, make it negative and it will work
import Rasterizer
import Rasterizer
get the current controller
controller = GameLogic.getCurrentController()
get object script is attached to
cam = controller.owner
up_eyesep = controller.sensors[“up_eyesep”]
down_eyesep = controller.sensors[“down_eyesep”]
up_focal = controller.sensors[“up_focal”]
down_focal = controller.sensors[“down_focal”]
if up_eyesep.positive:
cam[‘eyesep’] += 0.0001
if down_eyesep.positive:
cam[‘eyesep’] -= 0.0001
if up_focal.positive:
cam[‘focal’] += 0.001
if down_focal.positive:
cam[‘focal’] -= 0.001
you’re saying to paste this code in the script window? a little detail please