Anamorphic projection

Hi all,
I’m trying to do an anamorphosis (distorted projection that requires the viewer to occupy a specific point to view a recognizable image) that later on will be printed. But I’m having some issues with the UV mapping, specifically with the project from view, so the result is not doing the illusion I wanted to do.

Here it’s the tutorial that I followed :

And that’s my failed attempt:

If you know what could have gone wrong, or you know other ways of achieving that result or any tutorials to do so please say something.
Any help or feedback is welcome.

Thank you

You need to show us your UV editor and 3d view from camera…It has to be from Camera View when you Unwrap using Project from View, then that will be the only position it will line up…

Hi, thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:
This is my UV editor and 3d with the camera view. For some reason, once I use project from view (from camera view) the wireframe of the cube gets squashed, and then when I go to shading it’s all deformed and it doesn’t align even when the camera view it’s on.

One thing you need to fix is the UV. It expects the image to be SQUARE…
Try to Un-Wrap without an image loaded (Your project from view shouldn’t look like you have above) it should look something like this (before the Image is Added)

In the pop-up turn off everything, especially Camera Bounds or the projection will be stretched like in your image…

So you might want to set your TEXT in a Pre-set size…1024, 2048, etc.
( This isn’t mandatory you could still use the image you have But I think you will have to scale up the UV or the image will be too large to view…

You are also selecting only the inside of the box, which might also affect the projection…It might be better if you separate the inside and outside since you will only view this with the camera and animate the camera if wanted…

The projection looks just pretty good in the 3d view you showed the sides are lining up quite well

When moving to the shading tab and then hitting Zero for camera view it should show you exactly what you see above.
