
Hello Blender Artists,

This is Anastasia a virtual model I made using Blender 4.0 release.

Inside Blender

Uploading: Anastasia preview 4.png…

Happy Blending !


Stunning !! - Great Work…

Wow. Incredible realism! You did a wonderful job! :+1:

Thank you very much.

Thank you for your compliments.

This is the best character project I’ve seen for 2023. :slight_smile:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Thank you for your compliments!

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Great workk @maniacarta !! It just left me spell bound . Myself Vivek , I started my journey in the field of animation just a day ago and I’m really eager and excited to create such greatt models . I was looking for a guide/mentor who could help me through my journey in this field ! can you guide and help me with how to get started and be able to reach the level of perfection you’re at .

Thank you for your compliments.

Regarding your questions, there is really no magic here, the only way to achieve what you want is through hard working, learn from other talented artists who was also struggling in their artistic path and who was asking the same question you asked me now, but the most important thing have passion on what you are doing, never give up or compare yourself to others or get scared because in reality you will be scared on how to achieve such level skills and if you will look for job many will shut the door on you instead of giving you the opportunity to grow but the secret to all that is research first, make mistake, learn from it, and go beyond your capacity level, it’s the same driving a car or playing video game, cg art industry is the same.

Don’t copy what others do and make it your own but understand what they are doing and take such knowledge and develop it into something else that no one can think of.

A puzzle is a something you can’t figure out and you need to find many paths to make it right.
so just think like this, sometimes in our life rules can stop us from creating and such thing never let it stop you, smash such thing and go beyond.

This is the true key to achieve the true level of perfection.

And because of the freedom creativity that Blender provides as also the talented and creative community that is surrounding it, you will have the freedom to do anything with it.

Wish you all the best in your endeavors career.



She is beautiful and very convincing. She actually reminds me of someone I did some work for a few years ago, so seeing that image as I scrolled down the site was spooky.