Ancestral Questions

Here is something else inspired by the weekend challenge primitive theme.

This is called “Ancestral Questions” and features fossilized skulls meant to depict possible early human origins as we consider age old questions of evolution and contemplate actual human progress from these historically dubbed “primitives”…

Please click here to view the image.

Finally got some semi-decent displacement :stuck_out_tongue:

While I made this as a possible wc entry, I’ve decided to stick with my “Primitive Art of Primitive Shapes…” entry instead, since that probably fits the theme better.

I hope you like this. Thanks for viewing! :slight_smile:


man…I hate you soo much for that lol…I’m here wasting my time trying to find good ideas for the wc…and you keep pumping out different entries…grrr! lol

those skulls are awesome, I would maybe like some more definition around the teeth…but yea, I guess it should bel ike you did since it’s very old…

very nice work you got there!

texturing is great!

i’d go with this version! nice work! :smiley:

Well done. Excellent job on the displacement.


Looks graet,
did you start with Suzaane?

Regarding the subject matter- I think the whole evolution theory is a farce accepted as fact by a society that doesn’t want the responsibility of answering to a creator. But I digress, art doesn’t have to be any reflection of reality to be appreciated. Great work.

I think the whole religion things is a farce accepted as fact by a society that doesn’t want the responsibility of being on their own…

sorry couldn’t resist… :stuck_out_tongue:

don,t flame…it was a JOKE… :stuck_out_tongue:

I disagree.

I think the whole evolution theory is a farce accepted as fact by a society that doesn’t want the responsibility of answering to a creator.

Evolution has actual evidence

For example “William R. Rice of the University of New Mexico and George W. Salt of the University of California at Davis demonstrated that if they sorted a group of fruit flies by their preference for certain environments and bred those flies separately over 35 generations, the resulting flies would refuse to breed with those from a very different environment” scientific american

No actual proof that their is a creator exist. Im not saying their is not a creator and I dont see why evolution cant exist and their still be a creator.

“But I digress, art doesn’t have to be any reflection of reality to be appreciated.” fishlet

sorry but their are primitive homo sapien skeletons that have been found.

as for the picture excellent texturing you might yet win another WC. Nice job


no offense intended

X-WARRIOR: LOL, thanks :slight_smile: I’d really like to see you get an entry in there, so try to come up with something.

@ner: Thanks! I used up almost all the texture channels for each mesh here.

Prince: I appreciate that :slight_smile:

BgDM: Thank you very much! Displacement is very demanding :slight_smile:

fishlet: Thanks fishlet! I guess there’s a slight resemblance to Suzanne, her being a monkey and all :slight_smile: No, this was just two home grown meshes, fairly low poly at 358 and 375 verts respectively, but monstrously huge at rendertime at a level 5 subsurf (for displacement purposes). I glanced at a few evolutionary reference images before attempting to do this, then I jumped in Blender and let imagination lead the rest of the way :slight_smile:

Shard: I guess that first part was for fishlet/X-WARRIOR :slight_smile: Thanks for the kind comments about my picture :smiley:

As for myself, I have my beliefs and disbeliefs yet remain open minded about many things and question all ideas I encounter. I think that’s important to do. Plus it’s cool to explore concepts and to get people thinking and discussing ideas through art :slight_smile:


yes being open minded is the best way. good luck on your entry