I have several bezier curves which are set to Full Fill so they looks like a cables. They are modeled so it looks like they’re plugged into other objects at both ends.
How can I ‘atatch’ each end of the curves to the other objects so if I move an object the cables stay attached at both ends? Like pushing your vacuum around the room, you want the cable to stay connected.
To attach one end of the curve to an object you can set that end as the curve’s origin and use vertex parenting to stick it to some point on the parent object. It will then follow the parent, but will not automatically deform like a cable being dragged around.
Bezier curves themselves will not do the trick (unless you want to manually keyframe every point on the Bezier curve via a shape key), you need something like a spline IK setup to act as an armature-like controller to deform your cables as the attachment points are moved. In that case you can use a number of parenting schemes to attach the rigged cable to an object, then attach the rig’s IK target object to another object via some form of constraint or parenting. The spline IK system will flex as either attached object is moved, but it may not be in the most realistic possible manner, as physics is not involved (that would require making the cable a cloth object – good luck on that lol). But you can use empties and hooks along the length of the rigged object to control the curvature between the ends. This is similar to how I rigged my big cat’s tail in this animation/demo.