Ancient Artifacts

Textures on an UV Sphere with adaptive subdivision, no modeling, material/textures created in Material Maker, rendered/post-processed in Blender cycles/compositor. No HDRI is used for lighting.

Based on the Nokia 3310 phone.

Clay render

Renders on a plane:


Really cool! Do you have some detail on the process in material maker? I did not know about it, but your results are impressive, seems really worth a look

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Thank you, while I don’t have a lot to show in terms of process, the following is a screenshot of the nodes setup but the material is also available up on the website (can be imported to the software or directly using the ‘load material from website’ function) so you can check it out.

It does function a lot like the shader editor in Blender (the program combine shaders to generate textures)


Wow, full procedural, nice. Thanks for sharing. Seems like quite some work you’ve put in there. Do you recommend switching to material maker compared to the vanilla Blender node system?

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Wow you left me speechless. Great work!

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Mostly I am still experimenting with the software (first attempt from May) and the software is very different than what I am used to in Blender, though what I can say is do try things out and see if it fits for you. I personally quite enjoyed it as you are still working with shaders :slight_smile:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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