Angelina Jolie WIP

I have been working on this a few weeks (not every day i must say) on this model i desided to try to model angelina jolies head. It still needs much work expecialy the ears look verry bad. And then as last i will need to do the hair but that will still be some more weeks if not months away i still had not much luck with making good hair. Anyway comments and tips (maybe a good ear tutorial :D) welcome.


Face modeling looks good, seems like most of your difficulties arise in working the face into the skull and neck. Her ears should stick out more from her head, one of the occupational hazards of working in side view on an almost flat object. Post some wires rather than a beauty render for more detailed advice. Front and side views are most helpful.

Thanks for yoru reaction i will deffenitly take teh ears into the updates that need to be done.
Here are the front and side view with wireframe.


you nailed those LIPS!

there must be a fan site where you could post these.

Great work! You got the loops. Just work a bit more on it and it will look great. Here is what i think you should do.

Thanks for the hints i used most of them. I changed th eposition of the ear now and changed her chin because it was indeed to long in the reference i used it was so long because of her position but when i looked at other pictures i saw the error. I also changed the tilt of her eyes because they tilted slighty outwards.
I also played around with the sss plugin. In teh side view the middle one is the sss and in the front vieuw its the last one.


i think the skull is bigger then it must be

you really need to change the shape of the head right now she is suffering from some major bumper head issues. I think the highest point is almost right above the tip of the ear. If you are going to be doing hair for the character then you probably don’t need to worry about it.

she has big…brains.


Yes she has a big skull but he was right i went a bit overboard i checked it to my reference material so i made her skull a bit smaller. And yes there are numbers of sites but i first want to see how it works out i wont send in things to a fan site if i am not totaly happy with it myself but soulie jlie would be a good site since all my reffernce material came from that site.

veni veni venias

After a while a new update i have been very bussy so i didnt do much yet.

I change her china bit because i t had some weird curves that should not be there and i shange something in ere eyes and lips that where bothering me. I also gave her a shirt and i cleaned the texture a bit

Should i move it to focused critique ?

o well anyway i keep avoiding the hair i am very bad at that.

veni veni venias


My first attemt in this midel with hair (or at least the first semi good looking one) but i realy have to solve the problem of the hairs disapearing in the neck

veni veni venias


Looks great so far but the hair looks a little unnatural I guess. I guess it looks a little too messy or something. But the face looks great!

Thanks for the reactio and yes your right the hair looked to rough and anyway her hairline wasnt right as well so i strated again with the hair this is what i have momentarily

For short hair the particle patch works great and for the long part of long hair it works great as well but i realy have problems with the hair that has to bend around smaller curves like the top of the hair it hard to get it look good.

ANd does anybody why i get that noise in her nack in the last picture where it looks like she has hairs trough her troath whil in the other pictures you can see there is no hair at all there ?

C&C always welcome.

veni veni venias
