Angle and Geometry nodes

Hi, I’m struggling to understand how geometry nodes work with angles. What i mean is that I’ve a input socket that takes a float with the subtype set to “angle” like in the image


that is connected directly into the angle socket of a vector rotate node but when I move the cursor in the geometry node tab the angle goes way behond 90°. The general units are already set to degrees so I don’t understand what’s happening.
Someone can help?

Blender version 4.0.1

Thanks a lot

Hi ParanoidNemo,

this is indeed a little bit confusing…
The unit in the sidepanel is radians but in the modifier tab it’s degree :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

So you have to convert your desired Max angle to radians (angle * π / 180):

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Thanks, I was wondering if the problem was something like that! Ye very confusing tho. That being said I manage to make it works and also hide the ugliness of that number under a percentage :slight_smile:

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