Animate a swirl of 3D material

Hi everyone.
I am new to blender and have been able to do most things so far through tutorials, learning, trial and error. However I am stuck on something now. I have a 3D model of a swirl of material. I would like to incrementally (about 30 times) change the position of the material. I have a basic sketch attached. It wont be a uniform translation, however it can follow a defined path that I define. Has anyone got any suggestions in how I go about animating this in blender 2.8.


The motions that you’re using are curves, so I would use curve objects for the animation.

The precise way that you’re going from one shape to the next isn’t defined, so I couldn’t tell you whether to use curve shapekeys or curve hooks.

If you have an existing mesh that you needed to deform according to the curve, I would use an inivisible mesh object with a curve modifier and use that as the target of a mesh deform modifier for the existing mesh.

Probably, none of what I just said is immediately approachable by somebody that is very new to Blender. The things you might need to look up and experiment with to understand are: curve objects, shapekeys, hooks, curve modifier, mesh deform modifier. I would recommend starting with the manual and then exploring how they work on simple objects.

Thanks. I am looking those up now.

I feel like the easiest way to animate this would be to draw a curve and let the model follow that curve (like a snake following a path). I am not sure if the above suggestions will help here or if I need a different approach. I think curve modifier might be the way to go.

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Yup, what I described was basically, draw a curve, get the curve to affect your mesh, animate the curve.