Animate mesh. Making new fcurve different since 2.8 ? Right Datapath

I had an error in a code concerning the creation of a mesh animation through fcurves. Solution :
Just replace …
fcurves = [ % v.index, i) for i in range(3)]
fcurves = [ = our_data_path % v.index, index=i) for i in range(3)]

Global code :

def insert_keyframe(fcurves, frame, values):
    for fcu, val in zip(fcurves, values):
        fcu.keyframe_points.insert(frame, val, options={'FAST'})
obj =['trajectory']
mesh =
action ="MeshAnimation")
mesh.animation_data.action = action
our_data_path = "vertices[%d].co"
frames = range(1,last_frame+1,1)
for v in mesh.vertices:
    fcurves = [ = our_data_path % v.index, index=i) for i in range(3)]

    for f in frames:          
        x = tTrajectoire      # example of calculation for x, y, z
        y = tTrajectoire *  tTrajectoire 
        z = 1/ tTrajectoire      
        co_kf = [x,y,z]
        print("frame : " + str(f) +"   | V : "+ str(V)  +"   | tVals : "+ str(tVals[v.index]) + "   | Vertice : "+ str(v.index) + "  |  localisation   " + str(co_kf) )
        insert_keyframe(fcurves, f, co_kf)