Animated comic with GreasePencil!

Fantastic work!! You’re killing it

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Awesome art style and mood! Retro comics and retrowave with animation make great combo, something no one has ever seen yet so far.

Also not many clips have been made so far with grease pencil, so this has to be referenced more so people learn about it (BCON2020). :slight_smile:

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woah thanks !! well, blender conference, that seems very ambitious ahah ! i am still trying to make little live videos on my instagram for a few audience. Maybe someday, maybe… :slight_smile:


For now, my computer is not really fast so it’s not so easy. also, you must be always aware of where you are drawing in space, the 3d cursor, etc., and that’s something you can easily forget when you’re drawing from the view of a flat 2d screen ahah

Korg Microkorg, by any chance?

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yeah !! maybe you have the same patch on yours ? :slight_smile:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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wow!!! this is so beautiful im getting ready to start and anime video using blender grease pencil and this is just amazing great work any chance of a breakdown or workflow ?


i will post breakdowns of some of my works in january ! :slight_smile:


And thank you !

Awesome work! Although the ending is a little cruel :cold_face: I love the ambience, the animation and the music :+1:

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You were featured in the ‘Best of Blender Artists 2019’ on BlenderNation, and received the ‘Best of 2019’ badge on Blender Artists :clap:

Thank you so much for your contribution, and have a great 2020!


Woow thank you for this list!!!

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