Animated glowing circuit texture?


Anyone know if its possible to make a texture like this and have it animated so that a glow travels along the circuits?

Similar to this

I saw a tutorial by sardi pax once where he did something similar with the ivy addon. What i need is it to look more angular but be wrapped around a sphere

That looks pretty damn good. Did you just do that now? Im impressed!

Is there a text going into a bit of explination available?

ill give u a reply in a few hours, trying to figure out how to do it properly myself. i dont wanna miss inform you.

Thank you. Very much appreciated!

this is the best i could do within blender. if this is good enough to you then i can explain how i did it, but personally im not satestfied with it.

It looks good to me. Is it animated too?

One way is to trace it and turn those into a mesh, then UV unwrap those so the pulses can go along them. If the pulses can’t go diagonally, then the UV’s should be straightened to go along the chosen axis. If the pulses need to follow each branch exactly at a junction and follow each branch lengthwise, then the UV positions need to also match

Didn’t do that all the way here, nor very carefully, but

the line that creates the effect between diffuse and emission scans the V (Y) axis. Straightening the UV’s and aligning the junctions on the UV’s as they’re in the mesh should make it work.

Material setup is quite easy. First separating the axes from the UV coordinates, the next two math nodes offset the values by first flipping the offset to switch the direction and value range, then subtracting a keyframed value (0 = bottom, 1 = top). Color ramp makes the line gradient, and then that is used to mix the shaders.


animtext.blend (1.15 MB)

ok yea JA12 has the exact same as i do, only he has a Position node to control the animation, slightly better than mine, go with his.

in mine, you had to animate using the color ramp node :stuck_out_tongue:

wow, really cool! I’m going to have to study this to see exactly what you did. I know you explained it and i’m not gonna lie, it went above my head. You’ve given me a good start both of you, thanks very much :slight_smile: