animated mouth

I’d like to make a simple animated mouth (really all I need is a bezier circle with 4 points & handles I can manipulate. What’s the best way?- I know this is a vague question but here’s what I’m thinking- My bezier circle filled with black- and somehow attacked to my mesh so that as I move my handles, the black mouth shape will move around. Perhaps others have come up with a simpler way to do a mouth. I’m not married to the bezier cirlce idea. To summarize, think Veggietales mouths. Very simple- just a shape. Help? Thanks & sorry about the rambling nature of the question.

normally, people use RVK (relative vertex keys) to animate mouths.


Perhaps the idea of bezier curves is not appropriate then. This is my first attempt at a character - so this may seem basic to most. I’m having trouble figuring out how to make a rounded mouth using only verticies that will look like what I want. Again, think VeggieTales mouths. They seem like a boolean hole within the mesh, just showing black behind it- yet very smooth in animation. Is there an easy way to make an animated boolean hole using a few vertices that will look good? Or am I looking at the problem wrong?

you can use RVK with beziers, and it`;s great!


Can I make a round, bezier controlled hole in a mesh and have it look right? I’m just not understanding how to make this hole without messing up the look of the mesh.