Animated Movie. Is it possible?

try this

“45 minutes of cube”
Shouldn’t take too long…

I’ve been working on my 2 minute short in my spare time for over a year now…

Here’s a tip:
Making an animated movie is BORING. Don’t bother. It’s long hours of intense concentration mixed with focused studying.
Animation is basically all about spreadsheets.
It’s thankless and there’s likely to be no money in it, but plenty of frustration.

If you’re discouraged by this you were never going to be a good animator.
If you’re still reading this, there may be hope for you.

You will never get a hard answer for a “how long to make a 5 minute movie?” question because it depends on so many factors. For instance, if your project involves mostly action scenes, then you must expect it to take a long, long time to complete. On the other hand, if your project involves mostly mood scenes and you can reuse a lot, then it should take much shorter time to complete. The very fact that you are asking this question obviously means that you have none experience in making a movie and thus, you will discover what is involved and learn and figure how to solve new problems as you go. This alone will take on unpredictable time because it depends on your capacity to learn, integrate knowledge and procedures and manage. And if you have never animated before, you are in a for a long and arduous learning experience.

A few tips for working on your first animated short:-

Limit it: 1 or 2 characters, 1 set, few props, running time under 3 minutes. Probably under 1 minute.

I have an irritation with one joke animations with credits longer than the film, so if you’re working something the length of an advert (you notice how you see the best animation in adverts?) maybe plonk your logo in the corner of the screen throughout rather than starting and ending with credits.