This is an animated texture i prepare for my game. As you can see the texture contains 64 frames, and i am going to animate the plane with it like in the screenshot. I dont know why but the animation kinda skips frames very usually and even has gaps in it. Here i uploaded the blendfile with that.
I’ve found that it helps to write the frame numbers on sprites when trying to diagnose problems and lower the playback speed. That way you can see what frames are being skipped and what order things are being played in.
Well, sometimes I have similar problem aswell as I can’t make my image tiling to be set more than 16 for some reason and thats a PROBLEM, brcause I have 48x1 large sprite!!!
You do realize that 8x6 is 48 right? The reason 16 is the maximum is because if you had an animated texture at 16x16 you would have a total of 256 different images. Recreate your sprite sheet to match the required dimensions, maybe 8x6, 12x4, or something along those lines.