animated texture problem!!!

how can i animate this texture properly?

(i tiled all the frame using Picture Merger Genius)
what i get is this(press “P”)
knife_party_anitexproblem.blend (596 KB)

is there something wrong? wrong image dimension? wrong setup?
the confusing thing is i always have this problem eevery time i make my own tiled image,but,if i use tiled image created by other peeople,it works,why?

I’m not sure I understand your question and I can’t open your blend from here so instead I’m point you to a CGCookie tutorial on animating textures using the Anim-All Addon:
To view the video requires membership.

okay, I had a lock at it and the Animated Texture IS working correctly, and it is animating just like it should.

You didn’t specify the problem you got, so it is hard to answer your (none) question.

From what I see when I’m running the animation is that the picture is “moving around” and don’t stick on an fixt position on the plane. If this is your problem it do occur bco your image isn’t lined up probably.
the skull need to be on the exact same position on every frame, bco the animated texture panel will split the image up into pices that are the exact same size and then display them individually.

hope this somehow where useful to you :slight_smile:

hmmmmm…it seems to be working correctly now, i dont know how,but after i closed blender and then re open it,it works.i think i should mark this as solved