Animating a Cord

Anyone know how to animate this wire (wanna change how it has bent now)? This model has premade textures.

therefore we need to know how that was made. Is it made out of a curve? then you could easily hook the vertices and move the empties to animate it. Or is it a mesh?

There are several ways of animation.

Animated using the hook

Simulation Animation

Animated moving along the path

It is a mesh.

Is there any way to change how it’s has been bent now? It’s already converted to a mesh, and there are pre-made textures as well.

You can use simple deform modifier and lattice. But tbh, i would replace the mesh via a curve and animate the curve via hook modifiers because that’s much more precise and easier to handle. And “just a cable” shouldn’t be too hard to replace.

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so you want to just change it’s shape to a new shape to be static you don’t really need animation? like a one time thing cause you want it in a new shape than how it was pre made

I just want change the current shape.

If you have some free time, can you tell me how can I do it using simple deform modifier and lattice modifier? May be via blend file. I will attach the fbx file.
fl_blart.fbx (146.6 KB)

add a lattice, resize and position it, so that your cable is completely in it, change resolution so that it has enough geometry like so:

then give your cable a lattice modifier with that lattice.

Then you can play around in edit mode with the lattice to reshape your cable:

smaler lattice demo

You can even animate the lattice with shape keys. but…

again…i cannot recommend this method in your case, because the cable would deform “weird/flat” if you move it too much. I would remodel the cable with a curve and then it deforms perfectly if you animate the curve via hooks.

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just rig it. and then shape it as you want by moving the skeleton.
a good tip is to place the bone joints where your loop cuts are for better deformation
you can even make your bones a Rigify tentacle for better controls

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I really appreciate your help. Thank you.

I really appreciate your help. Thank you

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