Hello there, I have an high poly object(960,000) of a statue that I want to animate according to my animation (bvh.) in Blender. So I have the same armature that the animation has, I linked it all and then assigned vertices to a individual bones - i think that’s where the problem might be. Then I tried to bone constraint each bone of my ‘object’ armature the the ‘animated’ armature and for the most part it worked, it’s also moving according to the animated one, but i think there are some vertices sort of left behind. or I don’t know what else it might be. I tried re-assigning the vertices to the bones again but didn’t work. If you might know what it is, please help me haha. thank you, all the best. I’m attaching a picture of how it looks.
Those are vertices that are probably not weighted at all (although it’s possible that they’re just mis-weighted.)
You can select these vertices with your model posed in weight paint mode, in vertex masking mode. Then you can lasso select stray verts to check or change their weights:
I can see that the actively selected vert is weighted to Bone by looking at my sidebar. I can still use assignment in weight paint mode to change the weights of selected vertices.
Thank you so much, this helped me a lot.