animating particle systems.


I wanted to create an animation of a bullet, with some smoke trails comming off the back end of the bullet.

I modelled the bullet, and i have it moving along a path. i parented the camera to the pathj as well, and offset it a little, so you can see the bullet from the camera.

then i added a mesh circle, and made that as the particle emitter. however, when i parented that to the path, the mesh moved, but the particles kept on appearing from where the emitter was in frame 1.

any ideas? is there an easy work-around to this?

I know parenting an emitter can lead to these problems. I had it when parenting emitters to armatures, so it might be same problem.

You have to move ve emitter via IPOs and not via a PATH.

If it is a bullet it should go fairli straight, so it should be easy enought.

Unparent the emitter.

Set Key positions of the emitter in right palces.



Just press the ‘recalc all’ button in your particle settings, and everything should be working as desired.

thanks, it works fine now. :stuck_out_tongue: