Animation allong Path/Curve - Object not follow as expected

Hey guys, I’m working on an animation and i want all the blades to come from the bottom to finish on their final positions. I set the origins of each blade on the same vertex (independently) and i want those origins to follow the path with this effects of “spirale”.

The problem is that the blades are not following well the path, and also, i want them all to follow this path. (i also tryed with the curve modifier)

Here are some pictures, please tell me if you need any precisions
Big thanks in advance, this will be a big help!

If anybody got some question about the set up please tell me

Hi gauthier_samson,
no need to bump your topic by creating new ones - just give the people some time to answer. Also, if you need help on a topic i would recommend moving this to the Support section instead.

For me personally, it’s not very clear how the blades should move. Can you maybe show us some screenshots how the start and end-positions should look like?

Hi, you’re right, i’ll do it like that next time

The blades should moove by following the curve but all the blades have their rotation applied by default on the model

key poses should look a bit like that:

Please explain further, especially to differentiate between what you WANT to happen, as opposed to what is ACTUALLY happening now.

The blades should moove by following the curve…

so you add a “Follow Path” modifier to each blade, and click the [Animate_Path] button. Are the blades currently following the path?

…but all the blades have their rotation applied by default on the model

this statement is ambiguous.

  • The model” : are all the blades separate objects? Or are they one combined blender object?
  • have their rotation applied” : you can rotate an object (& then the angles change in the right-side N panel of viewport), and then as a separate step, you can APPLY the rotation (& other transforms if desired). Applying the rotations multiplies all the vertex 3d-vectors by the rotation matrix (changes each vertex’s data to include the rotation, and then resets the object’s rotation angles to 0,0,0 – you shouldn’t see the object change, the information of the rotation has just been moved to a different part of the numerical representation. → After rotating the individual blades, did you go to menu Object >> Apply >> Rotation ?
  • Same thing with “Apply Location” : if the right-side N panel says that the location of a blade is other than 0,0,0 then it won’t be ON the path when following the path – it will be off to the side. You can either menu Object >> Apply >> Location, or better, you can alt-G to move each blade back to 0,0,0 (so that they will actually sit on the path while “follow_path”. … in your 3rd picture from the top in the original post, there is a blue dotted-line between a blade and the path @ current frame of animation. This dotted-line is the “Location” data of the blade, being added to the path animation. If you alt-G this blade (clear it’s personal location back to 0,0,0) then it will ride directly along the path.
  • You have a bunch of blades “fanned out” in most of a circle. Do you want them to move relative to each other (to fan-in or fan-out) during the “follow-path” animation? Or are they supposed to keep the same angles relative to all the other blades during the animation? What do you WANT versus what are you actually GETTING?
  • Is there only the one path? (and all blades will follow that same path?) Or will you have a different path for each blade?

Hey Shannonz,

I want my blades to follow the curve on the Z axis and i want to get the rotation of one same path on each blade, it’s to make an animation of all the blades in a box comming up smoothly with this spirale movement. (maybe have one path for each blade is better?)

I did add follow path modifier to each blade and animate path button, the blade are following the path but it make them turn on themselves and make distortion

Each blade is a single object

During the animation i want to keep locked XY rotation’s of each blade and only make them rotate on Z.
I want to make each blades appear one by one to follow the curve and then finish in the perfect end position

You could add an Empty object (or one per blade), and use that to follow the curve.
Then add a Copy Location constraint to each blade, targeting the Empty. That will get it to move along the path with the empty, but won’t affect the rotation of the blade at all.
You can animate the rotation of each one manually to get them to finish in the position that you want.

BladeRotate.blend (116.3 KB)

test051_bladeRotate.blend (1.1 MB)

Read the “Notes” inside this .blend file for more details about how this works.