Animation key values?


where can i read the value of a animation key ?

can i move keys restricted only vertically \ horizontally ?

thanks a lot

In the n-panel of the Graph Editor for example.

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i still vhave this window, but there is nothing shown, exept “show cursor”…

No small arrow? That is weird.
The default shortcut for the n-Panel is “n” hence the name.

sorry just edited my post, as i pressed the n key the "show cursor "dissappeared and the arrow came up… but there is nothing other there

Maybe you are in the view tab. You need to switch to the F-Curve Tab:

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ok , now i understand…if i pick only one key, the window/options change…

sorry and thanks for help.

btw how can i restrict moving keys horizontally / vertically?

While grabbing the key press “x” or “y” to restrict movement to the respecive axis.

You can select more than one key. The n-Panel will allways show the active key.


so what the real problem is…if i select one only key with “select box” the option window does NOT appear !! …only if i directly pointselect the key…