Animations i did in March (last month) as part of a group on facebook called Animation March. The basic idea of the group was to animate something in blender and upload on the group as often as you can. The first 12 days covered the 12 principles of animation. And then the remaining days were divided into a week for Walks, Character/Object interaction and Character/Character interaction.
Was lots of fun, i will try to continue forward with Animation April.
The only rule that we made was to try and animate daily. For the first 12 days, interested people where to animate on one of the 12 principles of animation in the following order:
Squash and Stretch
Straight Ahead & Pose to Pose
Follow Through and Overlap
Slow ins and Slow outs
Secondary Action
Solid Drawing
From 13-20th march, we made walks, 21-27th, we worked on character object interaction and then for the remaining days it was character/character interaction. That’s it.
I think their is something planned for April or is in the works for May. Though, you can do one by yourself now, i am continuing animation march to animation April, personally.