Animation Nodes - Which node to use for a 'custom properties' input of an object?


Just a quick question but say I have an object with a ‘custom properties’ control added to it - what node am I supposed to use within Animation Nodes so that I can use it as an input?



An expression node inwhich you type a line of code to specify the name the object that has the custom property and the name of the custom property (see attachments).

customprop.blend (777.2 KB)

Thanks for your example file but I’m not getting the results that you are, mainly because I think my goal is something different.

The following is just a sample of my node setup but I just need a better idea of what is wrong. The rest of the node set up is fine but the expression is not working or even giving me any results/values. Plus, as you can see there are errors.

I’m pretty sure that I got everything in the expression field correct but something just doesn’t register for some reason.

Any ideas?

Thank you.


Possibly the output type of your expression node is float, whereas the index port requires an integer. You can test this bij replacing the expression node my an integer input and/or edit your custom property to output type = integer

Sorry but I have no idea in how to do any of that. Could you please show me how it’s done?

I appreciate your help.

Edit: Ah, OK, I found my problem. I actually created a custom property in the ‘world’ settings and not the ‘object’ settings. Everything works beautifully now. Thanks sooooooo much. A little help always goes a long way!


You’re welcome :slightly_smiling_face: