Animation Nodes

Hi, I think that the BGE was easier to use for real time art but Animation Nodes is more complete. A way forward would be to to create groups of nodes which did useful functions but with meaningful names (e.g. Sphere with vertex objects pointing to centre). I don’t want to have to build these things from scratch but you need to allow for those who do to play at a deeper level.
There’s a real gap here at the moment and game engines (and AN) make the mistake of thinking that boxes containing the same names as classes is friendlier than code. If the boxes provided lists indicating what their required parents and possible children were, it would help.
I’m also moving over toSmode for my real time work until something is done in 2.8 (e.g. interactive mode). This is a great free product that’s been around for years on the vj scene and loads .blend files directly.

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