Animation Nodes

Thank you burnin. I just enter in the forum to say I solved it and find your nice reply. The problem was the roaming folder and my OS is windows 10. Next time I will provide more info.

And now that I’m here, I only want to say thanks Jackes Luke for Animation Nodes. With the new denoiser in Blender 2.79, and your amazing plugin, I can’t start to make more works in Blender (I’m Motion Graphic Artist)
Cycles render I made a while back for a desktop background. Single mesh continuous mesh(not separate rectangles) is generated using noise for height values. In image its set to 256^2 squares (65536), (392,192 tris).

Hello People, i need some help … yesterday finale i would work with the AN Addon, and saw a few tutorials. till i saw, i didn´t had the subprogramms button. oke then i´ve downloadet AN 2.0.4. i´ve removed the old AN 1.5 then installed the new one, but i could not activate it …
everytime i would check the checkbox to activate it i become following message …

… but i don´t no what to todo. My OS is Windows 8, an Blender Version 2.79. Do you have an idea?

@K3KZ perhaps you’ll have to manually remove the old install in the Roaming Data folder indicated in the error message?

Working on spider web generator. Still needs improvements, but here’s the result:

Wow, nice! At some point I was also working on a spiderweb generator, first as an add-on and later in Animation Nodes. But I never finished it and it wasn’t as advanced as yours!
Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing more results.

Thx but no, i´ve watched the folders after deinstalling, but there was nothing. so i´ve tryed it again, there it shows me that 3 scripts was missing (antland, add Chain and material utils). so i installed them ( i don´t no why they was deinstalled) and try it again but i become the same error message like below.

i´ve checked even the method on the troubleshootingpage with reinstall visuall c++ but nothing :frowning:

so i´ve saw that there was an another build of Animation Nodes 1.6, this works. but 2.0.4 doesn´t

Hey, I’m trying to read a csv file to generate splines from it. The csv file contains a 2d array of floats.
I can get the values into a list in a python script, but I can’t seem to get them converted into a vector list so I can use it in animation nodes.
Any idea how I can convert the data structure from a list to something that will be recognized as a vector list?
You can find my test file here
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, I’ve been trying to read a csv file in a python script and create a spline from the data. The csv file is basically a 2d array with floats.
Does anyone have an idea how i can convert my list into something that animation nodes recognizes as a vector list?
I attached the files in case someone wants to take a look.

Attachments (74.3 KB)

Web generator! Great!
Is it/ will it be possible to create something like

@jacqueslucke Would it be possible to have a version that work with python 3.6/latest buildbot? Maybe a version of 2.1 if it’s stable enough, otherwise, 2.0a.

@bliblubli: for which OS? Yes should be possible to create such a build for v2.0.

for windows if it’s ok. Is 2.0a stable?

Here is your v2.0a build for Windows for Python 3.6:
Why do you need this btw?

I couldn’t try this build myself so please tell me if it works.

Yes, v2.0a should be as stable as the currently official build maybe even a bit better.

That’s really fantastic… Is that means we can finally do some architecture diagrame animation in blender with animation node?

Thanks for your hard work!

Thanks for the build, will test asap.

You have to use VectorList as output and convert your data into Vectors

import csv
from mathutils import Vector

filepath = bpy.path.abspath("//" + filename)
data = list(csv.reader(open(filepath), delimiter=";"))

VectorList = []

for row in data:
    cleanrow = [float(c.replace(',', '.')) for c in row]
    v = Vector(cleanrow)

I want to start editing the showreel for this year soon. Therefor I need your help, or to be precise, I’m looking for rendered animations that have been created using Animation Nodes (doesn’t have to be AN-only).

Here are some more requirements:

  • Resolution should be 1920x1080 at best or 1280x720.
  • At least 50 frames of rendered animation.

If you have a cool animation but not the compute power to render it, just send me the .blend file, I’m sure I’ll find a way to render it (I’ll only render the frames that I need for the showreel).

The deadline is the 15th of October for now.

Please send me your work per email to [email protected].
The email should contain:

  • The animation or a link to the animation.
  • Your name (that will be visible in the credits if your work is choosen).

Thanks again for your support. Really looking forward to the contributions. The more I get, the better the next showreel will be. :slight_smile:

Hi! I just downloaded the official 64 bit Blender version for linux from and wanted to activate the Animation Node addon.
But I get a python mismatch because Blender seem to use python 3.6.2 and Animation Nodes uses 3.5.3.

So I just wonder: Is there an official version of Animation Nodes that work with blender 2.79 on Linux?

@JohannesW: did you download the 2.79 release or from build bot? Please try the release if you haven’t already. I don’t quite understand why it sometimes includes Python 3.5 and sometimes not…
Blender 2.79 officially ships with Python 3.5, but sometimes on Linux Blender uses the Python version that is installed on the system.

It is possible to create a Linux Build for Python 3.6 though, will do this tomorrow. You can also try to build it yourself if you want. If yes, please contact me personally (here on BA, or main, or twitter, or whatever).