Really nice. Would you mind to complete the complete setup? It´s really interesting to see how other people create their node arrangements.
Added a screenshot to the original post.
Jacques, maybe bit late but I used AN to scatter buildings on faces of torus. You may use it for AN demoreel if you want.
And nodes (image above was made in previous version of AN, but node setup is mostly the same):
a greeble addon with AN? that is nice
Hi all !
Here is my whirlpool modifier:
Have fun !
Benji72, That is amazing. Thanks for sharing.
a simple mesh selector, a bit slow but could be optimized I guess -or made into a real node-
an other one here using cumulative sum to stack objects:
nice examples here in the thread btw
interesting, but It gives some errors
For one thing, I would not use angle, that gives errors if co planar (move your mesh up 1 unit to see…)
Instead use intersect_point_line (with the normal).
It gives a nice factor related to start of the line, so you get both +/- and the distance. (works like vec.project(vec) then calc factor)
The closest_point_on_mesh is undecided in certain cases, see the flicker for the ones near concave edges.
Maybe bvhtree.find_nearest works better, I have not checked for such undecided/many options case.
Or another way…
an other one here using cumulative sum to stack objects:
int the new loops there is a cumulative thing already
make a parameter, reassign, may even hide it from inputs/outputs etc…
thanks for the tips, if you find a proper solution for selector that would make a useful script / node
edit: changed it to use dot product seems to work better: simple video:
and a small something to keep you for the weekend
(as you can see, mostly done in the old release
just to show it can be …)
This is freaking insane. It looks like some kind of houdini voodo. Is this mostly adaptive poly? I hope it will be merged at some point into master.
If you posted this eariler, maybe Jaque would used it in demo reel. Today may be bit too late (let’s hope it isn’t)
@JoseConseco: o.g. showed it to me beforehand. A tiny fraction of it is in the reel. The reel consists mostly out of rendered videos…
The demoreel is done! So no changes anymore. I will publish it next week while the conference.
no, adaptive only up to about 0.55, the blue tentacles are already another deal…
you can find the adaptive node and the underwear node (those patterns…) in the respective issues on git,
absolutely functional for this release too
but officially still on hold for possible optimization (and cause bugs are more important …)
Wow, O.G. theres a lot to unpack there! Very impressive range of tools.
well done man, amazing stuff, i saw many many things that before had a dev creating an entire addon for, and with the power of AN they could just either code a node, or make up just a nodegroup and share it to the world.
id also love an to come with those examplesmyou showed in node groups with frames and notes to be able to make it friendly and a great way to learn!
also, We should push it a bit to the blender foundation to make it not just an addon foR 2.8, but much more
great stuff o.g. I really liked the matrix extrude, the custom fallof thing and the data vizs
many ideas I had been playing with before -before AN even- so good to see it can be done
just flexin a little muscle … the blend bvh_inside2
it will probably be as 3 nodes, bvhtree (like kdtree), bvh find nearest, intersect point/line (already done as prototype)
excuse the speed and clumsy notes on vidstill, there are some exceptions to understand … you can still see a flick on the toroid
(could be that your setup would work just fine with intersect point line instead of angles…, but they say bvh is supposed to be faster etc)
@ all
and I’ll see if have the time to make more explanatory vids for this and that …
(not like this one…)
talkin prototype, still WIP but…
Wow… I thought I had a vague idea of how to use this addon but now with all the stuff you’ve been posting it looks like some kind of black magic to me :spin:.
@Jacques I shared the video on G+ and so far people liked it a lot. I hope you get good feedback on the Blender Conference as well
Hello! Beatiful node, I like it a lot. But could you help me to use it? It’s not working with any objects I create myself folloving your video. Using debugger, I figured out the problem is “Vector Distance” property isn’t being created on the objects I place myself. I tried create them inside of your example file to figure out the problem, but any object I create - no vector distance on it. What am I doing wrong?
Hello! Beatiful node setup! But could you help me? I’m not getting any animations at all. After comparing your example file and my files I figured out the problem is my objects aren’t getting Vector Distance property. I tried to create new objects inside of your file, but still the same problem. I’m real noob at animation nodes and it’s possible I’m doing something really stupid. But I can’t figure out myself how to six it