Animation of light propagating through glass cylinder

Dear Blender Artists,

We are a team of ~10 people at “The Quantum Measurement Lab” pursuing research in optical and quantum physics at the University of Oxford and Imperial College London:
We are looking for a collaborator (team or individual) to make 3D rendered graphics and animations to help us communicate our research in quantum and optical physics.

The first project, which we would like to advertise here, is an animation of light propagating through this glass rod resonator (which we will provide existing blender files for):

We would like to have the camera move to a region of interest and point out counter-propagating light in an animated, wavy fashion:

(download this image to re-watch, or right-click, “view image”, and press F5)
Furthermore, we would like to have an oscillating grid displayed within the glass, like so, but round instead of straight:

Light would also be shown as particles racing through the circle, and it would occasionally bounce off those grid lines and go the opposite direction.

You will be provided with a more detailed script and hand-drawn sketches when you contact us about this project. The deadline is 4 weeks after acceptance. The animation length should be one and a half minutes approximately, at a resolution of 1920x1080. You will be compensated with USD$150. As the animation will be used to help us convey a scientific research point, revisions may be required prior to full rendering and payment. We also have a powerful machine that can be used for the final render if helpful.

Please contact Lars Freisem at [email protected] if you are interested, and include some examples of your work including both rendered still images and an animation for us to consider.
We look forward to discussing with you!

  • QMLab Team
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If the project is still available I should be able to get what you guys need done.
Here’s a link to some of my work,
looking forward to hear from you.

Hi QMLab Team,
Will the final animation be public?
It is intellectual and interesting, I wonder if we can see the animation.

Sorry, the project has been given to an artist already. Thanks for your reply though!

Yes, it will be on the group homepage. I’ll notify you. :slight_smile: