Animation plays too slow for 24 fps

I’m not sure why the left one plays too slow compare to the right, both are 24fps. (clip)

Maybe you can check what’s going on, you can download it here:

I’m still a bit new to Blender in areas like this, but it looks like the female mesh on the left might have more polygons. Are the two characters using the same template rig? I mean were they rigged with the same sort of auto-rigging tool?

If the left mesh has more polygons (driven by multiple bones), then this could be the culprit. This is usually remedied by adding simplified proxy (segmented) geometry in the place of the rig. The higher resolution mesh may be hidden on a layer until you absolutely need it for the final render.

It could also be the case that one rig is not as well optimized, so it is not quite as responsive. This is a more difficult to solve because it involves having access to the rig components and knowing how to adjust them. It may be faster to re-rig the female model using the rig you used on the right side - if in fact the two rigs are different.

I hope this helps!

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24fps is only a target for when an animation is rendered. Running the animation in the viewport is entirely dependent on how quickly the items can be drawn. The character on the left almost certainly has fewer polygons. also if the character on the right has subdivision surface modifier active it’s going to slow down even more.

It’s two different meshes with two different rigs. They can’t be expected to run at the same speed in real time.