Now, when I am adding the Walk action inside the action editor, my character transitions from the TPose into the walking animation causing distortion. Example gif:
Usually, the mesh should contour around the bone structure instantly at frame 1, instead of transitioning from the TPose into the animation. I’m fairly certain this is a problem on my end. I have tried unbinding the vertex groups, but that removes the bone->mesh connection. I think I have two bone systems attached to the mesh?
What I did:
Enable the mocap tools addon from preferences. Make sure you’re in object mode. I selected the “walk” armature to the right. While holding shift I then selected the armature with the meshes bound to it. In the mocap tools section in the object data panel, near the bottom I clicked on “guess hierarchy”. Both armatures have the same layout so it saves you a lot of clicking. I scrolled down and activated “advanced retarget”. Then I hit the “Retarget!” button.
This will constrain one rig to the other and generate keys and a couple of new actions.
I’m fairly sure the advanced retarget isn’t always necessary. But in this case I needed to do it. By all means try it out though. Someone with more experience may come up with a more elegant solution in the meantime.
Wow! Yeah it works! Thanks! I just copied your directions incase I need it again. It’s weird because I’m trying to buy some game assets and every studio is so different. Sometimes their animations work perfectly, and sometimes it’s like this where the new animations in the action editor start from the TPose. Some others don’t do that though, and I do the same exact process. Import base mesh, then the animated .fbx file. I think it’s just part of developing in 3d I guess? I’m fairly new to Blender and mostly worked on 2d pixel art…
But, this is barely noticable when I render them out in ISO view as you can barely tell. Really appreciate your help and if I run into this problem again with another store I’ll do the mocap addon route.
I was curious about 3ds max and maya. I imported it into both of them and it works fine. I tried to export it out into .DAE from 3ds max and then trying it in blender and everything. I was really lost on what to do, so I really appreciate your help.
Your transitions in frame 2 where you start are not the same as frame 31. So when you click past 31 to 1 you get the effect.
I think this is what you are looking at, plus a one frame skip in frame 1 which will have the keyframe position of frame 2 on it the way your are moving your timeline.
Enable the mocap tools addon from preferences. Make sure you’re in object mode. I selected the “walk” armature to the right. While holding shift I then selected the armature with the meshes bound to it. In the mocap tools section in the object data panel, near the bottom I clicked on “guess hierarchy”. Both armatures have the same layout so it saves you a lot of clicking. I scrolled down and activated “advanced retarget”. Then I hit the “Retarget!” button.
From what I could see in the blend file the only viable animation data was on the unbound rig. Either there was some issue on import (FBX?) or the bound rig was used for some experimentation. At least that’s how it looks to me.
Here’s what the little guy looks like after retargeting anyway: