Looking at the exciting demos of EEVEE and the prospects that animation might be possible in real time without the load of rendering time.
I have a toy brand called P’JAMERZ that I would love to create an opening animation sequence for. It would be approximately 1 min. I would love to partner with an animation production company to see how much we could push Blender 3.8. This is a paid job
Hi, I was looking some old post and I found your proposal. If you are interested yet, you could send me a MP with your idea and possibilities ($). Blender “2.8” is a bit “quite” stable than the pre-alpha’s versions.
I have my own animation a man walks in the street rendered with blender 2.8 after 2019-08-18 date downloaded. In EEVEE render blender 2.8 render animation in 1 sec per frame. So 200 frames I had for 200 sec. I download September 19, version of blender 2.8. Works fine No crash.
I load an old animation from blender 2.78c into blender 2.8. It not worked at first, but I made some minor changes in Pose Lybrary, and in one minute it worked in Blender 2.8. So I think it is time for Blender 2.8 Cheers