I’m currently starting production of an animated series called “Black Titan”, for it to be set for its initial release in Spring 2022. Black Titan is a Sci-Fi animated series about an unidentified man, who is only known as “Black Titan”. Based in Tokyo, Japan, Black Titan is a crime fighter who lives by 3 rules: Kill thy enemies, Kick ass, and Pop open a cold one after a long day of work*. HELP IS WANTED!! If you want to help with this project:
ALL HELP IS NEEDED. I’m only 15, so I can’t pay you atm, but once we hit big, everyone involved will earn a payday. Please help me prove my friends wrong, they said that “this isn’t going to get you nowhere”
Is there any strict requirements on skiils. I am also a high school student and is relatively new user so I will not be able to make too complex models. If you are interested send a mail at [email protected]
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The story, your plans on how the characters and the world(where the characters live and move) will look, and how the work will be organised and managed. A spring 2022 release means we have to start quickly. So a proper plan will help.
The original plan was Spring 2022, but we might start late. The show is a Sci-Fi animated series about an unidentified man, who is only known as “Black Titan”. Based in Tokyo, Japan, Black Titan is a crime fighter who lives by 3 rules: Kill thy enemies, Kick ass, and Pop open a cold one after a long day of work