Offset animation looks specially useful, thanks!
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ver 0.1.6
Bone Circular Array
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ver 0.1.7
Claybox - Easy Sculpt Blocking
Quickly add various Shapes for Sculpting / Blocking Out
hello im having this iisue with the bbones it seems that the last bone is not generated and in pose mode the chain snaps
Hi, please upload your blend file before generating " Stretchy BBones"
here you go ,
its abit of an experiment probably ,is not the perfect way to set up things not a riging expert, but generally im rigging the facial elements in a diefferent armature than the rigify rig everything is parented to an empty that is parented to the head the problem was when i was trying to rig the mouth that is a rounded donut shape.
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ok in these two files
the bone set up before and after the generation
also im working in blender 4 do you think that might be a problem?
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Before generating, switch to Object mode, hit Ctrl + A => Apply All Transforms, then switch back to Edit mode and click on generate…
thank you!
yes it works now ,
any idea why its not straight and they are a bit untidy like in the image
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The only thing that helps here is to reshape chain in Pose Mode and Ctrl + A => Apply Pose as Rest Pose
thank you so much for you reply and help ,also for the awesome animbox tool
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