Anime Classroom Environment


See the full video with a quick breakdown on youtube:

EDIT: if you’d like to read about my process while making this environment, check out this article on BlenderNation:

This is my most recent project where I really pushed my knowledge of toon shading and scene creation to create a completely stylized Japanese classroom in Blender 3.0. I used a lot of fun tricks which I touch on in this video, and hopefully can create a more in-depth tutorial on in the future!

This scene was created in Blender 3.0 and rendered in Eevee, Blender’s real-time rendering engine. The character image is not by me.

All the textures are procedural, except for 4 images: one text sheet made by me, two sign textures from and the character cutout.

If you like this, please consider dropping a sub on youtube, it’s much appreciated!


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks a lot!

Wow, that’s an impressive npr shader! Good work!

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