Anime girl character

I love anime too.
Know where i can get these anime model sheets/reference images

The quick rig was meant to deform the model in the current pose.
I didn’t concentrated too much on weight painting because I fix all problem areas manually after deformation.
I will make the ‘real’ Armature, so I could animate the model easily.
But first I have to figure out the best rig for this model;) (I am still learning.)
The main resource for Anime is Google Images:)
The reference I used, was downloaded for free from the3dstudio site along with few other.
But there is specialzed wesite with lots of references - I can’t remember the adress now but will post a link to it soon.
Here is the link:

where are the updates Syziph ;p

Made the armature and skining-not happy! Tried to make her walk-not happy! I am at the Black Sea now-Very happy:)Ill post updates after i get back (~2 days).I’m sorry-posted from my mobile.

That quick rig, and the character too, by the way, look a hell of a lot better than my not so quick rig. This has some character in it, it reminds me of blue dragon. I’m looking forward to that one.

how do you post here a post from mobile ? you have web browser there ? cool my mobile is a crap
oh and buy some postcards from Black Sea ;p
never saw any

Sorry for the late reply! Problems with Internet connection!
I used Opera Mini to browse with my mobile phone (Samsung D600). Opera Mini is great Java application!
migero, I didn’t have time to enjoy the sea:( Or even buy a postcard. But it is pretty cool there right now.
Here are some I found in Internet:
I was 35 km from there in Bourgas.

I am still struggling with my attemts to do the walkcyckle with IK-s.
I think I should rework the control bones. And the Stride bone is still a mystery for me:o
But I prommise to do my first walkcyckle in Blender with this model, so its not over yet:)

you can allways get my eiko blend to se my ik and bones setup ;]

I’ll do that for sure :wink:

Did you think of making a tutorial for how to make an anime style character in Blender… I’m sure many users would find it useful…

Writting a tutorial is very difficult task. Escpecially with my “good” english.
Besides that I am not such specialist in anime and manga characters:)
I am planning to make my own anime character in the future so I could record my workflow and will post the videos.
I’ve created already a few videos of modeling simple female body but they are for Anim8or. If interested i will post a link. It’s not bad idea to addapt them for Blender - but it needs time:(
Currently I have problems with erasing a bunch of Actipos for this character. I don’t know what is the reason but I cannot record new keyframes for her so I want to start from the beginnig.
Any ideas how to erase all animation data in the blend file?

Well… You can go into the “Action Editor,” select all the keys and delete all the keys.

If you want to wipe out the actual actions. In the “Action Editor” you need to hit X, that will disconnect the selected action from the armature.

Afterwards hit Shift+F4,

go back by hitting “…”

Open Actions, at that point you’ll have all the actions listed. The ones with the F are marked to not get deleted (hence the “1,” the invisible user.) For blender to delete that action, select it (RMB) and hit F (The F will disappear and the action will have zero users.)

Save and reload!

Once the actions are gone, save and reload again… the actipo will also disappear since they now have zero users. (If not, you need to un-F them… Shift+F4, IPO… etc.)

I noticed a couple of strange faces. I put circles around the places I 'm surprised about.

I thought it was impossible to have faces with more than 4 vertices. How did you do that? :wink:, you are seeing things.
but… just to fuel your paranoia… Select two faces hit “F” and select “Make Fgon.”

Note: They are FAKE, not real ngons…

YOu can also get that view by just enabling the “Wire” button in the Draw Panel (F7) Blender removes extra edges in that mode.

I haven’t used F-Gons :slight_smile:
Those strange faces are due to the Blender’s Wire display option.
I think it skips edges where the angle between the polygons is near 180 degrees.

Calvin, thanks for the advice. It really helped!

Ok, thanx man. :slight_smile:

The reason I was asking was because I bought the book Polygon Modeling; basic and advanced techniques from Mario Russo and the in the book I see allot of faces with more then 4 vertices when he starts modeling the human head .:confused: And they are filled in faces. He also never mentions joining of faces (f-gons) or something similar. So I wondered if it is possible in other packages to make faces larger then 4 vertices (without something like f-gons of course). :wink:

Well those are called N-gons. I don’t know why Blender doesn’t support them. Probably because they could lead to some rendering issues. It is advisable to convert N-gons to quads in later stage of the modeling.
About your question - I know that Wings3D and Anim8or support N-sided faces (i.e. with more than 4 sides)
You can read more about F-Gons here :

At last! I’ve managed to make a desent walk cycle although it’s far from perfect:o
At least I think I’m beginning to understand Armature animation concept:yes:
Here is a snapshot of the armature used:

Here -small walk animation - 335 KB

wow, it that really all there is to your armature? deforms quite nicely then. You should make the upperbody move as well, it is currently just going up and down. roll the shoulders just a little bit as well, and the head a little more. There is also a problem with the animation on the right foot, the foot kinda goes up, falls down again, then comes up again as it moves forward. The right foot does land better than the left one though…
Armatures are fun right? :open_mouth:

Nice, I like the model. As far as the walk cycle goes, like FreakyDude said, there needs to be rolling/rotation in both the shoulders and the hips, maybe more sway in the hips than rotation though, considering she is female. The head could maybe use a slight bobbing motion. Also, a slight forward/back rotation of the wrists as they propel momentum would help the believe-ability of the walk. Otherwise, job well done so far.