hello fist time using blender particle hair I’ want to achieve the result in example [ 01 ] to my character [ 02 ].
i have test all setting and i don’t find a way to do this.
i tested the child particle and i can’t achieve the same result i know this hair is made with polygon and texture but i need to achieve this with blende hair system.
i se the clump 0.916 i get the result i want but i need the tip to have random size on child particle here is an example of what i want:
I think for something like that you could use 2 different hair particle set ups, one for the more formed hair you have now and then a second one for the more loose “frizz” hair.
I wouldn’t recommend using particles for anime hair at all. It will make your render times skyrocket and will take substantially more effort to style in a traditionally “anime” way. Have you tried using hair cards?
the style process was easy the problems i found is what i describe in the post and i already solve it as you see i get the same result as anime style hair…:yes: