Anisotropic Pots

So, I followed Andrew Price’s tutorial on anisotropic shading with Cycles, and this is my final result.

Rendered at 1600 samples.

Post processed slightly in Gimp.

And you posted this in focused critique why? Do you honestly think you’ll get good critique from following a tutorial? You do realize that anyone could replicate this render since it is essentially identical to the tutorial result, please do something original before asking for critique.

I posted this in the focused critique to get focused critique. Critique on the render, that is.

And just because I followed a tutorial doesn’t mean anything. I still want feedback on the image, so I can make it even better.

Sorry, that came off as slightly rude, what I meant was: You probably won’t get any serious critique because you just did what the tutorial did, you are much more likely to get critique if you make something unique or at least something that isn’t nearly identical to the result of a tutorial, surely you must be able to think of something where you can showcase your usage of this shader that isn’t identical to the tutorial?

Write it like this
" think of something where you can showcase your usage of this shader that isn’t identical to the tutorial"

Ah yes, you phrased that quite well indeed :3

I like the reflections and shading.

the material and render look very the left pot the bottom edge touching ground looks black -could be some smoothing problem.