Anita - Toon Character.

Hi, she’s Anita, she came from Never Land.
I had some free time today and made this model, this little lost girl are dress like a light blue rabit.
Hope you likes it.


Her eyes are gorgeous.
Her costume is a bit Teletubby though (sorry for the comparison), hopefully not once the ears are on.
Nice work for filling in time!

if you are really going for toon then you have made the face much too realistic. my advice is study pixar characters. you have a decent shader, but you should really go for eye catching. the character design. unless you do it right, a big head will look more like fat or not lovable. You should stick closer to the design(down to the nose). somewhere in the forum gallery there is a manga character Maid San. that is one of the best examples of toon shading in 3d i have ever seen. you have good skills. you just got mixed up in your priorities. you don’t have to go for realistic. as for modeling the character, do what looks right to you. not to me. not to Ben Dansie(it’s your project not his even though he is very good). to you. hope this helps. and i could rig for you if you want. i am almost finished making a rig. it has stretchy ik arms, stretchy ik legs, foot roll, stretchy spine, stretchy neck and head, and a hand rig. i still have to add a few features, like ik/fk switch and a face rig. i really wouldn’t mind rigging for another person without pay(unless i decide want 3d as a job) it really wouldn’t be any trouble for me to do your rig. in fact if people ask for it i would give it to the blender community for free to mess with.

Thanks for take time to post and give me some advises… the mix of reality and toon it’s purposely.
Thanks for the offer to rig it, but I prefer to do it my self… learning things, you know.

Good luck with your rig!!!

i would look into dave ward’s rigging repository for tutorials to learn from and rigs to disect. it has helped me a lot. i would either make it realistic with toon textures or toon model with realistic textures. if you are going for a mix of realistic and cartoon features like a realistic head and a cartoon body, give it eye catching shading(my last piece of advice is you can make decent eye catching skin if you use careful colorramp and shaders) you can expect the rig this month to be released to the community for free use and maybe an explanation of the rig.

Did I read that right? You’d rig his model and then give it away on his behalf because you rigged it? :eek:

Anyway, Hamster Jack if you are a real gun at rigging, I could sure use your help. A while back I hit a problem to do with two-directional bone drivers and shapekeys, which isn’t 100% resolved (although jawra was fantastic and got pretty close). If you are able, would you mind please visiting this other thread at and seeing whether you could fix the issue?

Cheeky raid of this thread I know, but seeing your offer, thought it’d be worth a crack asking.

i will take a look, and no, that is not what i meant by that part. i meant my own model. sorry about that. i will take a look at the thread, but i am not promising anything

Cheers Hamster.

Ah yes… sorry, what you said was kind of all one big paragraph. I’ve got semi-dyslexic tendencies and it’s easy to confuse me (I have to go over everything I write a few times… usually I find that I’ve repeated words in odd places). I see what you mean now, thanks.

I’m not too bad at rigging either, though if you do have a look it at least increases the odds of a solution being found. Thank you.

HI, I don’t like at all the Pachoncita style, so, I change it for other more stylized. The Teletubie comparation killed me
so, I try to gives it some Animé style.

Hope you likes it:


make it cover the butt more. one suggestion:a bit of hair sticking out

Re: the latest version – you should study carefully how proportions in the human body change with age. Right now her head is very young-looking, almost infantile, but her body proportions are about 10-12 years older than that, giving her a very oddly mutated look. Either age up her face (not the better idea, she’s very appealing as a young child imo) or make her body much more childlike.

Even if trying for a manga-like look, the disparity of apparent age between head and body is too great. There are certain conventions to manga/anime in terms of facial depiction that aren’t really followed here, so the reference to that style is missed.

Wasn’t meant to put you off, sorry. I think it was more to do with the style of hood… just something to watch out for and the rabbit ears may have made a significant difference.

It’s ok, friend… there isn’t for your post that I changed the model… with the child like body are more Teletubian than before.
so, I deeply appreciate your criticism

some tests with a simple rig…



Hope you likes it!!!

Still a disconnect between face & body age that keeps the character from looking just right imo. She has some seriously chubby cheeks but a relatively slim body. How about a bit more stylization along the lines of a classic cartoon femme?

Betty Boop parade!