Time for me to post another project I’m working on… this is still very much in the WIP stage, modelling/sculpting has been done, and I’m currently in the process of adding and tweaking shaders and textures. the lighting setup and character pose are temporary, and will be worked on. Let me know what you think!
@BjarkeDuDe: thanks! yeah the hat is low-poly ATM, I think the weird shading issue was caused by some flipped normals… thanks for your input!
@FXR: thanks a lot man! that render was 400 samples, and I’m currently using a modified 3-point lighting setup. I’ll be changing the lighting some for my final renders. maybe.
this was mostly sculpted in zbrush, but I did do some adjustments in blender, and also retopology was done completely with blender.
great outcome. Everything about the work I like. You also did something I’m trying to do - while you have the face partially shadowed by the hat, particularly the eyes, you’re still able to capture the glint in thr eye from a light source for reflection. Im assuming that’s a reflection of a fill light?
yeah its one of the fill lights making that reflection I prefer sun lamps for those tiny reflections, because they are omni-directional lamps, which means they have a much better way of casting reflections on small surfaces. even in dark areas. still, I might also include some HDR lighting for ultra realistic reflections (if needed)
Here’s some progress… I’m currently adding detail to his clothing, and working on the hat shaders/textures etc. I also added a pic of the overall progress in the first post. (I find I have to zoom in to see the small details, particularly on the hat… just FYI :P)
Really good stuff. Your stuff is beyond my skill, so Im in the cheering section here. I do got a question though, what’s your background, I mean CGI wise? It seems like you whipped this up pretty quickly. Its got a real experienced/professional sense. Im definitely looking forward to your work!
@ FXR: thanks! well I don’t really have much of a background with CG art… or any kind of art really. I’m completely self taught, and I’ve recently begun doing freelance work and such… apart from that, I’ve done some work on small independent productions, (nothing I’d brag about)… If you look at my blog, you’ll see that most of my stuff isn’t that amazing, but recently I got a new PC, so I’m now able to do a lot more than I could when I was still using my little celeron with 2G RAM
Updated the first post… I did some major changes to his pose and to the camera angle… It’s a bit risky to do such a large change, but I feel the new angle/pose has more personality. let me know what you think :eyebrowlift:
Looking good. I especially like the hat and its material.
If I had to point something out, then maybe it would be that there doesn’t seem to be much of a neck in the last picture. I personally liked it better in the first pic.
It looks like there is a hole drilled in his lips for his cigarette, I think there should be little gaps on either side of the cigarette, It looks a little stiff in his lips, I think ( I have no experience with cigarettes! ) people usually hold them looser?
Big changes are often necessary. Sure, it takes time but it’s usually worth it. My two favorite images of my own were completely changed several times in the process, and they wouldn’t have turned out nearly as good if I didn’t.