another red dragon

My second try to moddle a dragon. This time with wings. Well, I like the first one better, but what the hell.
(full view)

What do you think?

The wings are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too big compared to the dragon.

Ok, maybe a bit. But look at those wings:

It’s hard to find the right proportions, because usually flying creatures have a much lesser massive body than dragons do.

Are those wings better?


and here is a top view render.


Looks a lot more dragon like then your first attempt with the wings and the pointed snout and everything.

I like the first one(in this thread) I think the head should be bigger, not smaller wings. Looks nice.

I liked the bigger wings. For once, somebody had modeled a dragon that should really fly. :smiley:
A slightly bigger head would help. And the paws look a bit small, fragile… But that’s just my opinion.

Nice model overall! Keep on going!

Thanks you all! :slight_smile:

Well, I think the snout looks pretty much the same(?).

the wings are too big, definitly. on one side the huge wings compared to the tiny body disturbs the character. to say it with the words of the Pretender: “i can’t make them bigger or otherwise he tips over on an earthquake”. furthermore he won’t fly with that big wings. somebody posted a pterosaur image up there for “huge” wings but that’s wrong. pterosaurs had not huge wings, the had elongated ( pointy ) wings. the wing area is in fact not that large at all ( hence the tiny body ) using this wing construction type.

otherwise the model looks better than your previous one. simply cut the wings size down by factor 2 or even more and it matches way better the body. imagine you have to move those wings :wink:

I scaled them in this posting allready. Still to big?

ic. maybe I try a bit different dragon. one who has the wings mady of its forelegs, like a pererosaur.

imagine you have to move those wings :wink:

Well, the idea is not to move them much. At this size its imposible to fly by moving the wings, a dragon has to be a glider.

that’s correct… but just because you don’t flap your wing does not mean you have to carry their “weight” :wink: . big wings = big weight. the key is the right mixture. for passive flight you don’t need the same wing area as for active flight so less is more :smiley:

EDIT: rule of thumb for reasonable wing dimension. distance from left wing tip to right wing tip is around the distance from snout to tail tip. if you have no tail this is around 2.5 the distance from snout to feet tip ( aka pterosaur, there the cooefficient is roughly 2.5 to 2.6 ).