Here’s the an update of the ANT Landscape Creator_104b script for Blender 2.49.
Here’s the Wiki Docs.
Don’t forget to use the Blender Help Menu / Scripts Help Browser / Wizards
for Additional help & information.
Please note,
Incredibly I have been contacted by Jimmy Haze.
The Author of ANT & other wonderful scripts & efforts.
New functions in the ANT Landscape Creator Script.
This is wonderful unexpected news!
New Save & Load Feature, Code Cleanup.
Here is the link for the ANT Landscape creator_105
Much thanks. the save settings/landscape, save to Blenders Main Directory.
So that’s where to save & load your landscapes. for now…
Updated new version.
Further update: this script will be included in Blender 2.49
thanks to Jimmy Haze for the timely contact, thanks to ideasman_42 for the reviews.
Wow, much improved. I now have a single landscape mesh to work with. No longer do I have to manage all those tiles. The code does seem faster as well.
I am suprised there is no material applied to the object? With all that math and slope information inside the code, but when it comes texturing time all I can do is slap an image map on it.
Is there a technique for getting the slope information in to an image map? I know there is the OPTIONS section where I can generate a grayscale map, but how can I get color?
yeah, the updates are great.
this version is the final release.
Scripts are an a companion to Blender.
Blender’s texture & nodes systems are more than capable of doing slope detection.
Although I do agree with you, some presets would be nice.
Maybe when the new api is written, it could be an option.
Hi Atom,
Thanks, for the efforts!
I have a few examples I can look up soon, maybe we can make a combined effort to make some good presets. I am on irc #blenderwiki#blender#blenderchat if you would like a real time chat about this.
I have to test every script for the new script Bundles, 200 scripts to go…by tomorrow…
Jimmy Haze wrote:
I sent you the WeightWizard script, this can be used for terrain texture mapping,
normals will do the trick!
(you can also bake normals to image, and use this with material nodes for texture mapping)
the SpawnXXX script can be used for object scattering on the terrain.
I’ll upload the scripts for you later, I have lots to do today & these scripts are on my list.
Thanks for your interest & recognition of this great script.
I played around with the SpawnXXX script. It is nice work, but missing the obvious. There is no way to manage all those duplicates after they are created. I simply assumed they would be parented to the target, but they are not.
I’m not sure how interested others are in this feature, but I went ahead and implemented it.
# Make all duplicates parented to the target.
for ob in scn.objects.selected:
If you place the above code in the script at line #632 the feature will be in place.