Anti-tile for Cycles

Absolutely. I just published the image over the finished works section.

The wall, ceiling and carpet where possible thanks to your addon.

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I’m working on a new project and I have a feature request if possible.

When debugging the Anti-tile, I noticed that there are 3 “layers” which produce the randomization, but I would love to have more control over each of those layers, like size and noise.

Would it be possible?


Yes this most certainly is possible, I have just published v1.5 of the addon with noise control and scale variation.

See the post below :slight_smile:


Introducing v1.5 of Anti-Tile now with scale variation!

After receiving a few requests to add more control to the node group, I have refactored the entire addon to include more flexibility and options. This update introduces layer scale variation allowing you to bring out extra details in textures that would otherwise be relatively bland.

Changes in v1.5:

  • A big update to the addon code structure and control.
  • Removed random field
  • Added Image scales field to control individual layers
  • Added Dual Noise scale control
  • New User Manual

If you have already purchased this addon you can download the update for free from the product page.



Thanks for the update :slight_smile:
I just noticed that the addon doesn’t work anymore on many selected nodes, I have to go one by one.
Another issue is that the Anti-tile is added to a different node that is not selected and the mapping node is ignored, unlike before.

Here you can see both issues:


I took the liberty to add an extra input in the node, hope you don’t mind. If you consider it good you are free to add it. :slight_smile:

For more “geometrical” textures, the user would need to have a little control over the texture placement so it can match the tiles.

And here the node setup:

As you can see in this project I’m working on, with that hew input value I can somehow match the brick tiles by keeping randomness wince the value is higher than 1.
Of course for closeups maybe it doesn’t work but for far perspectives it does the job.

I added a control offset for each texture layer to have even more control over the it:


Hi Juan,

Thanks for the quick response regarding the issues with the addon.
I have just published an update (v1.51) which addresses all the issues mentioned and re-introduces uniform parameters.
If there are any other problems let me know :slight_smile:

In regards to the customizations you have mentioned above, I think it is great that you have adapted the node group to fit to your needs!
Generally speaking however, these changes would add too much complexity, that would only be used a small percentage of the time.
We could have custom control for x image offset, y image offset, rotation, custom noise values etc. but the node group would be enormous and completely overwhelm the user when used in a PBR workflow with 3+ instances of that same massive group.

The whole idea of Anti-tile is to simplify the process of “anti-tiling” textures so only the essential fields should be added, that’s why I was very hesitant even to add noise and scale control.

If you would like to customise the current node group that is added with the addon, unzip the addon folder, navigate to data.blend, modify the node group, save, zip it up again and lastly install it!
Now the modified node group will be added everytime :slight_smile:



Wow thank you for the fast hotfix, now everything is working as it should be. And having back the Uniform Parameters is excellent, don’t take it away :smiley:

I totally understand that adding more parameters will make the addon more complex and like you said, will confuse the users. The good thing is that adding those extra values is not a problem if I have to for certain projects, so customization it is possible.

Thank you for your explanation on how I could make the Anti-tile node by default if needed. :+1:



Hi everyone,

I have just released v1.7 which includes the following changes:

  • New Multi-layer offsets for tiled textures

    This allows you to re-align textures with lines such as bricks or tiles (given the dimensions are uniform across the texture). Once the Offset for layer 1 and 2 have been set, you can adjust the shift to get different variations without losing the original offset!

  • New custom defaults in the preferences window

  • Support for node frames

  • Updated user manual

This new version is available from the product downloads along with the new user manual.
